New Art and Medicine Fellowship Announced
A new Maine Medical Arts & Humanities in Medicine Fellowship will be offered through a collaboration between the University of Maine Intermedia Programs and Northern Light Health beginning in the summer of 2020.
Doctors who complete their residency requirements at Northern Light Family Medicine and Residency in Bangor will have the opportunity to obtain a certificate of advanced learning from UMaine through the year-long fellowship.

The fellowship is open to graduate students or residency program graduates. Fellows will take courses on creativity and research methodology, attend a weekly seminar to discuss various contemporary topics in medicine and produce a creative project for publication, public performance or display.
The medical residents also attend a clinic two days a week, where they are actively treating patients and implementing what they learn through the program. For more information on the program see the recent article on the University of Maine Research page. there will also be a fall workshop at the Hutchinson Center in Belfast on October 26th, 2019. For more information on the Fall workshop and how to register go the Northern Light Health page for the event: