Intermedia Courses

The list of courses below are offered throughout the graduate studies period.
For a sample time to completions visit our sample timeline.
IMD 500 Creative Concept Development
This course will provide an in-depth introduction to the theory and practice of critical thinking and creative practices that facilitate innovation and model processes that are central to creative fields in general and Intermedia in specific. Emphasis will be placed on: the conceptual and interdisciplinary nature of innovative and creative practices; an awareness of perspectives drawn from traditional creative fields, such as the arts, as well as from non-traditional forms and practices of innovation; and a focus on each individual student building a creative praxis model for their own research, development and innovative production.
IMD 501 Histories and Theories of Intermedia
This course will consider the historical varieties of explorations in the arts from the beginning of the twentieth century up to the present that can be seen as central in the formation of the conceptual frames and physical practice of the concept of Intermedia. Intermedia, a term developed in the mid-sixties by artist Dick Higgins, has been used to describe the interdisciplinary activities that were occurring between different media forms or genres of artistic practice. Starting from Higgins own writings this class will survey the historical, critical and theoretical writings of a range of artists and historians who have addressed issues and forms related to interdisciplinary experimental creative practice in the arts.
IMD 520 Topics in Media Production
This course will provide diverse, topical explorations on production processes, media tools for innovative creation and means of production for creative work in media forms. Although topics will vary from semester to semester all iterations will focus on giving students an in-depth exposure to an aspect of media, tools and production skills relevant to Intermedial forms. Emphasis will be placed on: developing production skills, an awareness of varied forms of production, and a consideration of means of creation from individually produced media forms to mass communication and distribution. In addition to modes of production these classes will consider media tools in relation to a variety of theoretical, practical and historical explorations of creativity that will help form the basis of a praxis model of Intermedial creation.
See recent topics.
IMD 530 Topics in Technical Development
This course will provide diverse, topical explorations on fabrication process, tools for innovative development and technical means of production for creative work. Although topics will vary from semester to semester all iterations will focus on giving students an in-depth exposure to a technical aspect of materials, tools and production skills relevant to Intermedial forms. Emphasis will be placed on: developing technical skills, an awareness of varied forms of production, and a consideration of means of manufacture from small scale hand made forms to mass production process and means. In addition to technical modes of production these classes will consider technological tools in relation to a variety of theoretical, practical and historical explorations of creativity that will help form the basis of a praxis model of Intermedia production.
See recent topics.
IMD 540 Topics in Intermedia Theory / History
This course will cover diverse, topical considerations of historical forms of Intermedia and related directions, such as Futurism, concrete poetry, installation, artists’ books and multiples, Fluxus, sound art and environmental art. Although topics will vary from semester to semester all iterations will focus on giving students an in depth exposure to historical periods or theoretical aspects of arts creation related to Intermedial forms. Emphasis will be placed on: historical periods, movements, groups and media forms related to Intermedia, an awareness of approaches and methods of historical research, and a consideration of theoretical or philosophical aspects of Intermedia . In addition to the historical subjects, these classes will consider a variety of related production, practical and process explorations that will help form the basis of a praxis model for Intermedia production.
See recent topics.
IMD 560 Critical Research Methods for Creative Production (Research Studio I)
This course will introduce the topic of research activity as a fundamental investigative process for creative development and production. The class will focus on learning a diverse number of research methodologies drawn from sciences, humanities, social sciences, and other areas in order to allow students to learn from these disciplinary approaches and subsequently develop their own hybrid research methodologies.
IMD 561 Projects in Collaborative Production (Research Studio II)
This course will engage students in collaborative production centered on a project, presentation, exhibition or performance. This class engages in a praxis model of exploring the theory and practice of research and creative production and applying it in a real-world context of applied group-based productions (productions will vary each semester, but could entail a large-scale performance, interactive installation, exhibition, anthologized publication, website/digital forum or similar form.)
IMD 562 Research and Development for Large-Scale Projects (Research Studio III)
This course will focus on and give students developed skills in conceptualizing, researching, and producing large-scale projects. In addition to introducing students to practical concerns such as grant writing, funding, tools, and studio access, this class will focus on creating a model for students continuing to work after graduate school as professional creators, designers, entrepreneurs and producers.
IMD 570 Intermedia Studio Critique I
This course will provide an environment for guided individual art|research|production in Intermedia. Emphasis will be placed on the conceptual and interdisciplinary nature of this creative form, an awareness and manipulation of traditional arts boundaries, and the exploration of non-traditional art media. The goal for this course is to create an interdisciplinary forum where students develop research skills, learn how to best articulate their artistic production, and critique their peers’ works. This seminar meets once a week for four hours and each participant contributes with new work at least twice a semester. This course is part of the advanced graduate-level studio course sequence representing an increased emphasis on independent levels of work, theoretical engagement in the creative process and an ongoing commitment to individual studio praxis leading to professional creative output. Participants are not expected to produce a completed body of work, though a significant level of resolution at the end of the semester is the expected outcome.
IMD 571 Intermedia Studio Critique II
This course will provide an environment for guided individual art|research|production in Intermedia as a continuation from IMD 570. Emphasis will be placed on the conceptual and interdisciplinary nature of this creative form in general and the individual student’s own work as an awareness and manipulation of arts boundaries, and non-traditional art media and contexts. The goal for this course is to create an interdisciplinary forum where students develop research skills, learn how to best articulate their artistic production, and critique their peers’ works. This seminar meets once a week for four hours and each participant contributes with new work at least twice a semester. This course is part of the advanced graduate-level studio course sequence representing an increased emphasis on independent levels of work, theoretical engagement in the creative process and an ongoing commitment to individual studio praxis leading to professional creative output. Participants are not expected to produce a completed body of work, though a minimum of two-three works are expected at the end of the semester.
IMD 572 Intermedia Studio Critique III
This course will provide an environment for individual art|research|production in Intermedia as a continuation from IMD 571. Emphasis will be placed on the individual student’s own conceptual and interdisciplinary creative works. The goal for this course is to create an interdisciplinary forum where students develop research skills, learn how to best articulate their artistic production, and critique their peers’ works. This seminar meets once a week for four hours and each participant contributes by leading a critique in IMD 570 or 571 at least once a semester. This course is part of the advanced graduate-level studio course sequence representing an increased emphasis on independent levels of work, theoretical engagement in the creative process and an ongoing commitment to individual studio praxis leading to professional creative output. Participants are expected to produce a completed body of work by the end of this class that will form the basis of their final portfolio presented for approval prior to the MFA exhibition.
IMD 597 Directed Study
This course will give students the opportunity to work one-on-one with faculty who are involved in a wide-range of research and creative practices. In conjunction with a general curriculum which includes theory, studio critique seminars, a range of critical studies courses, and media and technical electives‚ this class will allow students to pursue more specific directions connected to their own work and areas of interest. Students in directed study will work closely with faculty advisors and produce work under the direction of specific faculty members throughout the University.
IMD 598 Independent Study
This course will give students the opportunity to work independently on a wide-range of research and creative practices under the supervision of the program chair or their designate. In conjunction with a general curriculum which includes theory, studio critique seminars, a range of critical studies courses, and media and technical electives‚ this class will allow students to pursue more specific directions connected to their own work and areas of interest. Independent studies are normally only granted to advanced students based on a specific proposed area of investigation, research, and/or creative production.
IMD 600 Readings for Thesis Conceptual Development
This course will provide a context for the research/reading phase of a student’s work toward their thesis production. This class is an independent reading class that will be overseen by the student’s thesis committee. The initial reading list for the class will be developed by the student in consultation with their committee and must be submitted prior to the time of the class sign up, but it is intended that this list will grow and change as the work progresses. The result of the class will be an annotated bibliography that will form the bibliographic background of the student’s written thesis as well as help shape their ideas for their thesis production.
IMD 650 Field Research
This course is a general or topical course for credit that can be used for study abroad or work in another field when no other credit options are available. This can cover work in a professional area or field, Internships, study at another approved institution for which credits are not available through other means, or other such work for the Field Research requirement of the degree.
IMD 670 Thesis
This course is the specific course used to cover the work on the thesis in both written and creative forms.
IMD 700 Without Borders Exhibition
This course covers the final work towards the MFA thesis exhibition and all aspects of the work required for the festival itself. This entails not only individual work in preparation for the festival, but the collective work of the exhibition and presentations in general, from planning and other organizational matters, fundraising, PR, and the work required for producing the festival from catalog development and curation, to exhibition design and installation.