The University of Maine Summer University schedule is now on line and you can register for our available classes. The Intermedia Programs is offering several classes that are open to students in the program as well as all interested people. These class allow for extended periods of study and individualized work as well as access to the facilities of the IMRC Center.
Intermedia students discussing work with faculty member Susan Smith.
Courses open for registration include:
IMD 530 Topics in Technical Development
Provides diverse, topical explorations on fabrication process, tools for innovative development and technical means of production for creative work. Although topics will vary from semester to semester all iterations will focus on giving students an in-depth exposure to a technical aspect of materials, tools and production skills relevant to Intermedial forms. In addition to technical modes of production these classes will consider technological tolls in relation to a variety of theoretical, practical and historical explorations of creativity that will help form the basis of a praxis model of Intermedial production.
Section 0001, Class Number: 62154
Methods and Materials
This class will focus on the use of site to provide context for an exploration of both traditional and alternative materials. Maine provides a multitude of rich geography for the basis of translating place into process. Class meetings will consist of demos and practice in processes including but not limited to: making egg tempera, encaustic, use of casting, alternative photo process and fiber. Studio time will be accompanied by time on location, fieldwork, and studio visits with artists working in a variety of media, with an intention to use place, methods and being-in-the-world in our artistic process.
An intensive course meeting all day, every day for a one week From August 12 through August 16. Students who are lacking in digital skills will receive demo lessons introducing them to core Adobe programs like Photoshop, Illustrator, and Premiere Pro in order to gain a basic understanding of and working ability in digital art and design. This will be a hands-on learning environment where students will complete practice exercises and culminate with a final project for each program studied.
Dates: 8/12/2019 – 8/16/2019
Instructor(s): Heather Magee
IMD 570, 571 and 572 Intermedia Studio Critique
These courses provide an environment for guided independent art/research/production in intermedia. Emphasis placed on the conceptual and interdisciplinary nature of this art form, awareness and manipulation of traditional art boundaries, and the exploration of non-traditional art media. This is an advanced graduate-level studio course emphasizing independent levels of work, theoretical engagement in the creative process and an ongoing commitment to individual studio praxis. May be repeated for credit.
IMD 600 Readings for Thesis Conceptual Development
Provides a context for the research/reading phase of a student?s work toward their thesis production. This class is an independent reading class that will be overseen by the student?s thesis committee. The initial reading list for the class will be developed by the student in consultation with their committee and must be submitted prior to the time of the class sign up. The result of the class will be an annotated bibliography that will form the bibliographic background of the student?s written thesis as well as help shape their ideas for their thesis research and production.
General or topical course for credit that can be used for work in another field or study abroad when no other credit options are available. This can cover work in a professional area or field, internships, study at another approved institution for which credits are not available through other means, or other such work for the Field Research requirement of the MFA degree.