MFA Student Steve Norton presents “Requiem” in Boston


Photo of Steve Norton
Steven Norton performing an audio work at the IMRC Center.

In Steve’s work in the Intermedia program, he has looked for ways to combine his passion for audio with his interest in the natural world. As part of the work for an installation class he began reading about extinction, and researching archival recordings of extinct animals. As a result of this research Steve started working on his sound installation piece “Requiem” in February 2018, and it premiered at the University of Maine in May of that year. Now “Requiem” has traveled to Boston where it will make its Massachusetts debut at the Boston Nature Center in Mattapan. Steve is currently working on his thesis and will graduate in the summer of 2019. There is a great article on this work and Steve’s interests on the wbur web page The ARTery: “These Bird Songs Are Disappearing From Nature, So This Artist Captured Them In A Sound Installation”

“Requiem” opens at Mass Audubon’s Boston Nature Center in Mattapan on March 16 at 3 p.m., and runs through March 23 during the center’s normal business hours. The exhibit is free and open to the public. On March 16, 20 and 23, artist Steve Norton will be giving presentations about his work. “Requiem” coincides with the Boston Nature Center’s Bird Week, which includes additional programming on bird conservation.