Immerse! Maine




On January 9, 2014, the University of Maine will celebrate the opening of its new Innovative Media Research and Commercialization Center (IMRC).  The IMRC Center is more than 15,000 square feet and consists of Intermedia graduate research labs, two computer/technology classrooms, an electronics lab, a prototyping lab, CNC lab, fabrication lab, seminar room and distance classroom node, visiting researcher lab/studio, audio recording studio, video editing suites, electronic and experimental music studio, adaptive presentation environment, sound stage, film and video production studio, 3D and immersive visualization presentation environment, and an outdoor performance space and film presentation stage.


In partnership with the Juice ConferenceMidcoast MagnetBelfast Creative Coalition, and Realize!Maine, the celebrations will begin with “IMRC (Immerse) Maine:  Celebrating Creative Innovation”.  This “mini-Juice Conference” will provide participants with an exciting look at the new IMRC facility’s possibilities through speakers, seminars, and tours. Learn more about our partners for the conference here.

juice logoJuice Conference connects leaders of the creative economy to foster growth and prosperity. Weaving together the arts, technology, and entrepreneurship, Juice inspires innovation by bringing talented people together from widely different backgrounds to learn, exchange ideas, and share success stories.  On January 9, the Juice Conference goes “on the road” for the first time outside the Midcoast to bring the themes and exciting spirit of the Conference to the new IMRC facility.


eStranged Poster.pages

The IMRC Maine event will open with a performance not possible in most facilities. Estranged, written and directed by N.B.Aldrich and David Kaye, is a telematic, multi-media performance piece based on Albert Camus’ seminal existential novel L’Étranger. This performance, the first telematic performance in Maine, creates a performance that exists in both the physical and virtual realms, providing an opportunity to examine the possibilities and contradictions in these two modes of social presence. The piece is based on the premise that we currently exist in two forms, our “real self” with our actual physical and geographical limitations and predispositions, and our media-produced and publicly broadcast “virtual self”.

Following that performance, the event will move into a presentation by keynote speaker John Bielenberg , as well as presentations by other speakers.  John Bielenberg is a designer, entrepreneur, and imaginative advocate for a better world. He is the founder of Project M and co-founder of Future and Common. Following, the Creative team of Abby Stiers and Alexander Gross, will present their work on the Maine Arts Commission Percent for Art installation for the IMRC building. This data driven interactive work, produced in collaboration with sculptor Isabelle Pellisier, is a first for Maine and highlights the possibilities of New Media based art.


Projected image from Percent for Art Commission
Projected image from Percent for Art Commission


Participants will also have the opportunity to become familiar with the state-of-the-art facilities of IMRC through seminars and tours.  Two seminars will be available to attendees including:  “What’s Possible Tour” which will introduce attendees to individuals who have used the facility for prototype and media development as well as an overview of the ideals behind maker-spaces; “Diving Deeper: Prototyping Specifics,” which will provide an opportunity to take a more detailed look at the available prototyping equipment such as 3D printing, laser engraving/cutting and CNC production as well as other forms of media production.  The day will also include tours of the entire facility for all participants.

The schedule for the day will be as follows:

  •    12:00pm:  Conference registration (preregistration requested)
  •    1:00 – 4:30pm:  IMRC (Immerse) Maine:  Celebrating Creative Innovation Conference
  •    5:00 – 7:00pm:  Dedication and Opening Ceremony with University of Maine President Paul W. Ferguson

Full schedule can be seen here.

Opening Ceremony will be at no cost to participants and invitees.  Conference cost is $30.00 and online registration and payment will be available.  Conference registration will open December 5th and close on January 3rd  For those individuals only attending the Opening Ceremony, please RSVP to, or call  207-581-3582.


Space is limited for this event so register online early to save your place!

Registration is being handled through RegOnline at

Directions to the IMRC Center

This event is made possible with the cooperation and support of the following partners:

BCCLogo   realizegreen   MidMagLogo