Charles Adjaye was born in Kumasi, Ashanti, Ghana. In 2008, he graduated from the University of Education, Winneba, obtaining a Bachelor of Art Education with specialties in Graphic Design and Ceramics. Throughout his career, he has focused on these disciplines, specializing in graphic design and ceramics. After relocating to Sampa, Bono Region, Ghana. Charles has been dedicated to both teaching and practicing art at the high school level. His professional journey has included diverse commercial art activities such as crafting signboards, and posters, printing T-shirts, and embossing hospital assets for various institutions. Charles has also showcased his artistic talents through numerous solo exhibitions and group shows in both public and commercial galleries.
In 2021, Ghana enrolled at the University of North Texas, Denton, pursuing a master’s in fine arts in Ceramics (MFA- ceramics). However, he later transferred to the University of Maine, Orono, where he is currently majoring in a master’s in fine arts in Intermedia. His current research focuses on exploring natural colors derived from ochres and dyes for printing and painting purposes. Charles Adjaye continues to push the boundaries of his artistic practice while exploring the intersections of different mediums and techniques.
Artist Statement
Enter the magical world of Charles Adjaye where art knows no limits and creativity is boundless. Charles Adjaye is a talented artist who creates beautiful things using different materials and techniques. He used colors made from plants and rocks to paint on canvas and print on fabrics, making them look lively and timeless. Charles also shapes clay in lovely objects and sculptures, mixing old ideas with new ones. Charles burned designs onto wood and then painted them, telling stories with his artwork. I used metal wire to make cool things like weaving and knitting, adding a shiny touch to the creations. Through this art, Charles invites the audience to see a world full of imagination and wonder.