Certificate in Art and Humanities in Medicine FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions
- Who should apply for the Graduate Certificate in Arts & Humanities in Medicine? There are two main constituent groups for the certificate: persons who are considering a career path in the health professions and artists and humanists who are concerned with matters of health and well-being. For all students the certificate offers important experiences for those interested in teaching in a training program or academic department, those contemplating a career transition, or those who wishes to put their career in perspective. We welcome all creative and humanists who seek a better understanding of the intersection between medicine and the arts.
- What skills or insights will participants acquire? Students in the program will learn basic concepts around the creative process and methods used in qualitative research, and be given the opportunity to apply both. They will also develop a more critical approach to knowledge acquisition and critical thinking in the arts and medicine.
- What are the academic requirements of the Graduate Certificate program? Participants are required to take 5 graduate-level classes, or 15 credits, through the University of Maine:
IMD 500 Creative Concept development
IMD 540 Seminar in Medicine, the Arts, and Human Experience Semesters I & II
IMD 570 Intermedia Studio Critique
IMD 650 Field Study and Research. This usually takes the form of an artistic/research project completed under the direction of a faculty mentor, of such depth and quality that it leads to publication, installation, or a conference presentation.
- What is the Maine Arts & Humanities in Medicine Fellowship? This is an adjunct faculty position (fellowship) offered by the Northern Light Family Medicine Residency Program that pays for the Certificate Program through a half-time appointment. It is usually offered to physicians who have recently completed their residency training.
- What are the time requirements of the program? The coursework and project are typically completed over the course of an academic year. They demand half of the participants time, so that we support continued part-time employment.
- Can someone participate in the Seminar without pursuing a Certificate? Absolutely. However, enrollment in the Seminar is limited and priority is given to participants in the full Certificate program.
- Can the classes or Certificate program be pursued remotely? Absolutely. However, for those involved in an artistic project, on-site meetings with the faculty sponsors are required at least once a semester.
- What is the cost? The cost of the Graduate Certificate is approximately $6,000 in resident instate tuition fees plus $1,000 in unified university fees and $8,600 in online tuition fees plus $1,000 in unified university fees. Scholarships and student aid are available.
- Who is the sponsor of the Graduate Certificate program? The Certificate is jointly sponsored by the University of Maine Graduate Program in Intermedia and the Northern Light Family Medicine Residence Program.