Katarina Hoeger

Katarina smiling at the camera in a red shawl and black dress, wearing a necklace and glasses. Her hair is in braids and pulled neatly to the side

Katarina Hoeger explores the relations created as a side-effect of being a body, often a human body, cohabiting spaces with ourselves and other entities. In each work, she chooses a specific relation to investigate or highlight. Katarina creates an experience using media, often a combination of computer-generated visuals and sound, to provide an audience member or participant an entry point into the intricacies of the relation chosen.

Katarina’s most recent work draws a participant’s attention to the shifting spatial and audio relations that are part and parcel of existing in an environment. A previous work explores our recognition of images and speech extrapolated from their basic parts, pixels and granules of sound. Even prior work had participants confront mental health concepts with respect to themselves and others in virtual or physical spaces. Viewer- listeners have also been led through the artist’s personal considerations of the relations between image, sound, memory, and her present in past work.

Katarina Hoeger is currently a MFA Candidate in Intermedia and a GTA in New Media at UMaine. She holds a BS in Mathematics from Harvey Mudd College and a MS in Computer Science with a specialization in Computational Operations Research from the College of William and Mary.

Learn more about Katarina Hoeger and her work at https://www.katarinahoeger.com/.

Reconstituted Media, 2021

Breathing Scores, 2021

It Happened This Year, 2020

Elsewhere, 2020

Surface Thoughts, 2019